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January 19, 1999
Print Competition
Print Deadline 7pm
Dover Sheraton
Feburary 6-7, 1999
Bruce Ashforth
Frank Dispensa
Dover Sheraton

March 16, 1999

Print Competition

Dover Sheraton
April 20, 1999
Michael Orhelein
Master of Photography
PPA Certified
Associate Fellow of Photography
Fellow of Photography
" Marketing Your Studio "
Dover Sheraton
May 11, 1999
Barbara Edwards
The First Impression
is the Lasting Impression
Eli Berkowitz
Portraits and Weddings - New York Style
Rich Roberts
Wedding Album Design and Marketing
Al DeCampli
Image Manipulation
Dover Sheraton
8am - 8pm

All Day Program

June 15, 1999
Print Competition
Dover Sheraton
July 99
No Meeting
Georgia World Congress Center
Atlanta Ga
August 17, 1999
RJ Studios
Ocean Highway
Milton, De. 19968
September 21, 1999

Don Blair

all day program

October 19, 1999

Print Competition

Dover Sheraton
November 16,1999

Roundtable Programs

December 99
No Meeting
Merry Christmas
January 11, 2000
D.P.P. Annual
Print Competition
Print Deadline 1pm
Dover Sheraton
February 25th-28th, 2000
D.P.P. Annual
Convention & Tradeshow
Affiliated Judging
Bay Center/Crabbers Cove
Dewey Beach, DE.
March 21, 2000
Program to be announced
April 18, 2000
Print Competition
Dover Sheraton
May 16, 2000
Program to be announced
June 20, 2000
Print Competition
Dover Sheraton
July 18, 2000

Imaging USA 2000
Las Vegas Hilton
Las Vegas, NV.
August 15, 2000
RJ Studios
Ocean Highway
Milton, De. 19968
September 19, 2000
Program to be announced
October 17, 2000

Print Competition

Dover Sheraton
November 21, 2000

Roundtable Programs

December 2000
No Meeting
Merry Christmas