We have an evening class coming up on August 18th, 7:00 pm, in the Milford Public Library.
It’s a beginning to end of a session entitled, “Shoot it, ‘Shop it, Show it, Sell it.” There will be
3 different instructors covering the topic. My portion is first as we “Shoot it.” One or two models,
environmental portraits if the weather cooperates. Class members are encouraged to bring their
cameras and photograph too! Then, I will hand my card off to Paula Mignogno, who will download,
and show how to prepare images for the customer to see. Harry Markel will then show how to use
online galleries to sell images to the clients. The address for the Milford Library is 11 S E Front St.,
Milford, DE. Please park in the parking lot across the street.
Feel free to call Jim Hill, 302-629-4396 with any questions.