Monthly Archives: September 2009

Nathaniel Dodson 10/20/09 Evening

Print Competition and Program – Intermediate / Advanced Photoshop

We’ve held introductory Photoshop programs before. This time we are catering to the needs of the intermediate and advanced user. Nathaniel Dodson will delve into subject matter such as HDR Photography: Setting up the Shot & Post-Processing; Work flow with Adobe Bridge and Selecting Hair; Special Effects/Backgrounds for Composites and Galleries; and Camera RAW intertwined with the use of Smart Objects. Nathaniel probably won’t have time to go through all of this, so the program will be slanted towards the needs of those of us who attend.

Bio: Nathaniel is a young and energetic designer, photographer, and developer. He has been working in this field for about 5 years and has been teaching for the last 3 years. He has worked with all kinds of people and over 10,000,000 people since 2006 have viewed his online training material which is available for free at his website: (to be revealed at the seminar!).  His teaching style, energetic attitude, and willingness to share knowledge are sure hits and his work in both the design and development fields bring a unique aspect to how he works all of that is sure to leave you with a wealth of tips, techniques, and great ideas!