DPP has lowered the cost to be a member. The new rates which took effect 1/1/09 are $100 per year for Active members. If you paid $175 for 2009 you are extended until 2010!. The late fee has been waived. Think of the print competitions, seminars, workshops, roundtables …. all that for a mere $100. Students can join for a mere $50, and Associate members are $80. An Associate member has the same privledges but cannot vote or enter print competition for prizes. Sustaining members are now $125 a year and can have a business card size ad on our website and have a table at any and all functions that DPP holds. This is a great rate for all that DPP can offer the aspiring, beginning, intermediate or advanced photographers. What a great way to get the needed education that will keep you on the cutting edge. Email , our membership chair and treasurer with any questions.

Delaware Professional Photographers
Professional Photographers in and around Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania
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