Practical Photoshop Applications for the Portrait and Wedding Photographer This is a real-world demonstration of the Photoshop techniques that you can actually use.
Carl Leinbach Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop 5/6, Acrobat 4/5, GoLive 5, and InDesign 1.5
Carl graduated from Albright College with a degree in Mathematics and a strong computer background. His interest in photography led him to enroll at the Rhode Island School of Photography, where he spent a year learning large format commercial and advertising photography, portrait lighting, and black and white darkroom skills. After gaining valuable experience by working with seasoned portrait and wedding photographers and operating a studio for 10 years, Carlšs interest was piqued by the new techniques in the digital realm. Finding very few people in the portrait field teaching Photoshop techniques he could use in the studio, he decided to help other portrait and wedding professionals by training them on the skills they could use on a daily basis. Training eventually took over his photography business. Not leaving his photography career completely behind him, he has won several photography awards, such as the Kodak Gallery Award at the Mid-eastern Regionals in 1999, and Best Childrenšs Portrait in Pennsylvania in 2000. |
DPP Annual Print Competition - January 15, 2002
- 2:00 pm Modern Maturity Center
- Print entry cut-off @ 12:00 pm
- Print Case Fee - $ 35.00
- up to 6 prints, but only four in any one category, 2 wedding albums and 2 folios